Yali Bian
I am a senior research scientist at Human & AI Systems Research Lab (HAR), Intel Labs. I am working on designing systems that enable effective collaborations between human and interactive deep learning models. I got my Ph.D. in Computer Science, at Virginia Tech, working with Dr. Chris North at InfoVis Lab. Before that, I got an M.S. degree in Computer Science at Zhejiang University.
Human-AI Collaboration Interactive ML, eXplainable AI, Visual Analytics,
Professional Experience
Establishing an AI-assisted image annotation system to reduce annotation efforts and accelerate DL model building for object detection tasks;
Building an exploratory data analysis platform with interpretable DL to help help stakeholders for decision making process. -
Built the ML pipeline to standardize the ML development life cycle and fully utilize existing ML platforms.
Built a Feature Store (Marketplace) system to manage, monitor, and serve batch and streaming features. -
Akuna Capital
Software Development Engineer2019 – 2020Led a team in building trade surveillance and compliance application to monitor and analyze live trading behaviors from the message streaming platform, and optimized the system processing efficiency by 72%. -
Machine Learning Engineer InternMay 2018 – Aug 2018Machine Learning Group, Facebook, Seattle.Building alumni groups recommendation model for Facebook users through Sparse Neural Networks (SparseNN) and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree(GBDT). -
NOKIA Bell Labs
Machine Learning Research InternJun 2017 – Aug 2017Supervisor: Chitra Phadke; Huseyin UzunaliogluBuilding a smarter visual analytics system through semantic interaction and data-driven model selection to reduce human’s efforts on gaining insights from big and complex data.
Selected Publications
Self-label correction for image classification with noisy labelsPattern Analysis and Applications
Towards Human-Centered Pavement Quality Annotation with Crowdsourcing.The 20th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MOBISPC 2023). (Accepted)
Semantic Explanation of Interactive Dimensionality Reduction.IEEE VIS 2021
Semantic Explanation of Interactive Dimensionality Reduction.IEEE VIS 2021
DeepVA: Bridging Cognition and Computation through Semantic Interaction and Deep Learning.Proceedings of the IEEE VIS Workshop MLUI 2019: Machine Learning from User Interactions for Visualization and Analytics. VIS’19.
Evaluating Semantic Interaction on Word Embeddings via SimulationEValuation of Interactive VisuAl Machine Learning systems, an IEEE VIS 2019 Workshop
CKGHV: A comprehensive knowledge graph for history visualization.Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. IEEE Press, 2014
Discovering Treatment Pattern in Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Cases by Exploiting Supervised Topic Model and Domain Knowledge.Journal of Biomedical Informatics 58: 260-267 (2015)Concept over time: the combination of probabilistic topic model with wikipedia knowledge.Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 60, 27-38 (2016)
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